Sunday, January 30, 2011

Who Turned OFF The Internet?


Welcome to all of our ABT readers,

In 1989 before the age of the Internet and Social Media or Web 2.0 as it is sometimes called, the students in China used fax machines for communication tools. Back in that day they met either death or prison for their efforts to engage freedom of speech.

Now the people of Egypt are using the Internet and Social Media to communicate. Considering that the United States have been friends with Egypt's "regime" for many years and the President's Press Secretary stated publicly that the use of the Internet and Social Media is considered a basic right and freedom. (watch the video)

We only have one question and that question is: Who turned OFF the Internet?

What is happening in Northern Africa today is being called the "First 21st Century Revolution" and that it is moving so fast that it is hard to follow.

Officials and news networks around the globe are using IT tools like "TweetDeck" to intercept  and make sense of the communications streams.

This is the sort of world event that will wake up the entire population of the earth to the raw power of Web 2.0 tools that are so freely available to many of the earth's people today.

We have entered the 21st Century, Web 2.0 is a reality. Can you imagine "A Brighter Tomorrow"?

We will post again soon,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 2011 State Of The Union Speech: First Interactive Using Web 2.0 Tools

Hi to all of my ABT readers,

Well, the 2011 State Of The Union Address is in the can. The speech has been uploaded to You Tube. You can watch it here in HD with enhanced graphics. Very cool!

Also check out for much more.

Our focus for this post however, is on the fact that this is the first "interactive" speech. A twitter feed and a Facebook page was geared to gather questions to be answered as soon as the speech concluded.

To see just how successful this interactivity has been just watch the video below.

As President Obama indicated in his.speech communication of today has changed. Everyone needs to follow the examples cited to reinvent ourselves, reeducate ourselves and challenge ourselves to think outside the box.

He challenged Americans to work together to "Win the Future".

Whether his address has inspired  the 300,000,000 +  people of the USA to a brighter future will unfold over the next days, weeks, months and years.

Are you up to the challenge?  I encourage you share your views with a comment on this post. :) Thanks!
